The Building Memories Project was initiated and developed by Jacqueline Jones Royster in the Fall of 2016 in collaboration with Steven Hodges and Gene Kansas. The series was launched in Spring 2017. The current members of the team are:
Jacqueline Jones Royster, Dean of Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts and Professor in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Steven Hodges, Director of IT, Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts
Stephen Key, Studio Director, Constellations, Inc.
Gene Kansas, Founder and President, Constellations, Inc.
Joanna Gabriel, Executive Assistant, Ivan Allen College
Charles A. Cardot
(Physics Major)
Maura F. Currie
(Public Policy Major)
Rachel Y. Hu
(Industrial Design Major)
Eunseo Cho
(Computer Science Major)
Amrithesh Paravath
(Mechanical Engineering Major)
Former members of the team: Mir Mohammad (former Ivan Allen College IT Staff); Juliet Benjamin (former Ivan Allen College IT Student Assistant); Prachi Mehta (former Intern – Economics Major)