This volume, a veritable narrative tour through the School of Literature, Media, and Communication (LMC), is first and foremost a communal effort by all the faculty who decided to contribute essays on how they provide humanistic perspectives in a technological world in their research, teaching, and service activities. I am grateful for their giving freely of their valuable time to write these essays. I would also like to acknowledge the support from Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts Dean, Dr. Jacqueline Jones Royster, who recognized the value added to our School and the College by this project.
Throughout the book you will find statements from numerous faculty, staff, and administrators from all across Georgia Tech about the role our School plays in the larger context of our entire institution. I am grateful to them for adding their “external” perspective to our volume.
Most importantly, I would like to acknowledge my two assistant editors, Dr. Valerie Johnson, a wonderful member of our cohort of c. 40 postdoctoral fellows in LMC, who helped me edit the texts into publishable shape, and Travis Denton, Associate Director of Poetry@Tech, who applied his amazing editorial and design skills to creating the final “look” of our volume. Travis is also responsible for our finding a suitable publisher capable of realizing our specific ideas about the format and quality of paper, color, and cover.
Finally, I would like to thank all who contributed photographs, design advice, and other helpful hints throughout the process. I hope everyone who receives this book will enjoy reading and sharing it with those who are looking for excitingly interdisciplinary humanities programs at one of the country’s premier technological universities.
Richard Utz, Editor